Firewood Processing
Our upgraded Dyna SC-14 is a fast way process logs to split fire wood. We work at your location in Skagit, Snohomish, King, Whatcom Counties
We Process Firewood Logs
Let our Dyna SC-14 (upgraded to accommodate longer logs) make the job easy. Whether you have downed logs on your property or have purchased a log truck load we can process it into firewood.
Large Firewood Jobs Accepted
We happily accept large jobs and have successfully completed many jobs where we have been contracted to process 100 plus cords. Hire us to come to your property and get your firewood for the year done in one day! Logs can be up to 21” in diameter.
Logs up to 21” processed on site
The machine can do an average of 2 cords per hour, however smaller diameter logs can take longer. Log processing requires a separate machine to load logs. You can do the loading if you own a machine or for an extra fee we can bring a skidsteer and do the loading.