• Skagit County Firewood Processor

    Firewood Processor

    Our DYNA SC-14 (upgraded) is a high volume, portable, firewood processor. Hire us to come to your property and process a year of firewood in less than a day. The machine can do specialty firewood cuts of 12-21”. It can handle log diameters up to 21”.

  • Snohomish County Firewood Processor

    Our New Holland 332 Skid Steer is a powerful machine for loading logs, land clearing, driveways, and other tough jobs.

  • Whatcom County Firewood Delivery

    Dump Truck Firewood Deliveries

    Our dump truck can hold 3 loose cords. We also have a divider we can install to deliver different types of wood in one order for example 1 green/1 seasoned. Another option is to split delivery fee with a close neighbor where you each can order up to a cord and half.

  • King County Firewood Processor

    Kenworth Self Loading Log Truck

    Our Kenworth Self Loading Log Truck is available to hire or contract for other businesses or individuals looking to move logs. We also sell & deliver log loads to customers who want bulk firewood.

  • Island County - Sibi Firewood Delivery

    Flat Bed Truck with Boom Crane

    We use our boom truck to make palleted wood deliveries mostly pulling a trailer for our 14 pallet wholesale bundled wood order. It is also available to deliver cord wood on a pallet by special request.